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Health Services Information

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Pryor Public Schools employs six full time registered nurses for the district. Each school has a nurse on duty during school hours to handle accidents and illness, administer medication and monitor contagious conditions. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to communicate health-related information, including chronic illness, to the site nurse to ensure proper care of the student. 


Oklahoma law states any child afflicted with a contagious disease may be prohibited from attending school until such time as they are free from the contagious disease. In accordance with state law, ill children may not attend school and will be sent home immediately. Each student will be assessed in the health office on a case-by-case basis and the site nurse will ultimately decide the appropriate course of action. The following are common conditions requiring exclusion from school:


  • Temperature of 100.0° F or more - Students must be fever free without medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea - Students must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

  • Unidentified rash - Students must have a physician’s statement verifying that they are not contagious in order to attend school or have been treated with medication for 24 hours.

  • Conjunctivitis - (inflammation or infection of the mucous membrane around the eye) Students with thick white, yellow, or green discharge from either eye will be sent home. In order to return to school, students must have received medication for a minimum of 24 hours, be symptom free, or have a physician’s statement verifying that they are not contagious.  

  • Head Lice -  Parent/Guardian of students who are found to have an active case of head lice will be contacted via a phone call.  In order to return to school, students must be treated by an approved lice treatment and be free of live bugs. The student MUST be checked in through the health office the following morning before returning to class. 


In case of serious illness or injury to students while at school, we first attempt to contact parents or relatives.  If we are unable to contact or locate the parent/guardian, emergency services may be utilized when deemed medically necessary.  It is, therefore, imperative that we have an emergency phone number where parents or a responsible party can be reached. 


In addition, Oklahoma law requires immunization verification on file prior to class attendance.  Also, state law does not permit the dispensing of medication by any employee to any student without proper forms on file.  Forms may be picked up at the school office or on our website.


The following is a list of other services provided:

  • CPR instruction is given to all 9th grade students.

  • STD/HIV Prevention Education is taught to all 6th, 7th and 10th grade students. Opt out forms are available.

  • Vision screenings are performed annually for P4-5th grade students; secondary students are screened periodically as needed/requested.